Story: Arushi Narchal/Pankhuri

Tapun Mondal, 60, is a farmer who resides in the distant village of Sarkarpara in Sundarbans, West Bengal. As an avid reader, he keeps himself educated on the various farming trends and follows the path of chemical free farming. “ I have used both chemical as well as organic fertilizers for my crops. Chemical fertilizers ruin the soil quality and kill soil friendly organisms that are a farmer’s friend.”

Despite the secluded location of his village in the delta region, Tapun has been rather updated regarding the climate crisis situation across the globe. His awareness has prompted him to use chemical-free fertilizers as they contribute to global warming, which in turn affects the ozone layer.

“I was awarded the Krishna Ratna by the Chief Minister of West Bengal with a token amount of rupees 10000.”His garden is a clear depiction of his fondness to grow a variety of plants as it is filled with diverse fruits and vegetables that include Thailand gooseberries, Darjeeling orange, Washington Papaya along with hybrid fruit plants.

“My father was a farmer, and so were his forefathers. Therefore, farming came to me by inheritance and I have observed the farming patterns that have been followed overtime. When CASA approached my village and provided training to the farmers here, I became aware of more farming techniques than the ones that I already knew.”

Since 2016, CASA’s has assisted more than 2000 farmers including Tapun Mondal to incorporate organic farming skills for better quality yield in Sundarbans region of West Bengal.

Organic farming reduces soil acidification and retains the organic components. This practice is also an initiative towards climate adaptation by building climate smart villages.

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